
shameless sinner. I love beautiful things, I see them everywhere. No Regrets. Just Ripening

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Thoughts on a Platter.

I don't really have anything super significant to share with the masses that frequent my blog ( or rather the few), but I thought I would maybe sit down and see what little things I can throw out off the top of my head. We have free Internet and there is no one waiting for the computer, so I better take advantage. So we'll see where this leads me....or us.

Thailand is incredible beautiful. No where else have I seen the rawness of creation in the same way as I have here. India, Romania, South Africa, they all have incredible country sides, coasts, and scenery, but realistically they don't compare. This is next level.

Laos, while not the same, is equally as beautiful. If you ask me.

It's funny how it took me 7 months of traveling (even longer for those I haven't seen since last summer) to REALLY start missing people. I mean really. There are people that I miss at the core of my being right now, and in a way it feels good. It reminds me that there's a reason why I am going home, why I am coming to camp, and why I can't just disappear and wander the earth for the rest of my life. Despite the temptation.

I think a little too much sometimes, but I don't let it on (I think). I mean I try not to let it on. Recently I have been trying to not think so much. Just a little less. It's been good actually. At times I tire myself out, but it's the way I'm wired. Anyone who has had any communication with me recently can testify to that.

We have been traveling with Andrea Brown and four of her friends from teachers college in Australia. It's been very good for me to have people around, just so refreshing to be in a small community again. Plus they are all hilarious.

I'm getting oddly used to 16 hour bus rides. Three weeks ago, I never wanted to see another bus in my life. Since then I have been on several more, the last being two consecutive over nighters (16 hours) and it wasn't half bad.

Laos, may be the most chilled out place I have ever been. The locals are a lot like Thai people, but their accents are far less harsh and they are much quieter. Everyone is so friendly. Every restaurant is basically a bunch of beds that lay around a table. Brilliant.

I'm in a reading funk. I can't find anything that has gripped me for a little while. Any suggestions?

Can I tell you how excited I am to be back at camp, and not be on leadership? It may only be for a couple weeks, but it will be so great to be there and just be a part of the everyday routine. Nothing too serious, just doing what's asked of me, and then have some fun. It will be quality.

Alright well that's enough for now. Nothing very exciting here, but it's something. And somethings better than nothing....sometimes.

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