
shameless sinner. I love beautiful things, I see them everywhere. No Regrets. Just Ripening

Saturday, August 9, 2008


1) Sorry for the ridiculous final sentence on my last piece. Brutal.

2)Congratulation's to Adam Buchnea for exiting the womb 22 years ago today! Good work!

Minutes gone by

In what feels like minutes I will be back in Canada. It's actually days. And it's actually absurd. This trip, one that materialized out of small chit-chat almost two years ago now, has come and gone. I don't really know what to say, or how to feel. I am so excited to come home and see my beloved family and dearest friends. I am thrilled to be coming back to the familiarity of home, to see the sights, smell the smells, and hear the sounds of the place that formed so much of what I am. But there's just a little hint of sadness that I can't avoid. But that's the way these things work.

Really I just want to thank those of you who checked in on me, e-mailed me (whether it was once or forty times), read my blog, prayed for me, or even thought of me while I was gone. I appreciate and love you all.

I have learned more than I can imagine on this long trek, from England to Belfast, India to Romania, Israel to South Africa, Thailand to Laos, and of course Hong Kong. I saw amazing riches, and extreme poverty and everything in between and never, and I mean never, did I cease to learn. About myself, others, the world, my faith, and who knows what else.

This is all coming to an end from a proximity stand point. Yes I will no longer be constantly on the move country to country. However, the learning doesn't stop here. The journey continues, it changes and makes detours, but it always continues. It is a conversation that never stops. So this trip blog, in a matter of a day and half will go from a trip blog, to well, just a conversation. Just a conversation, with you, the universe, the birds and everything else in between. So feel free to stick around, I'm not going anywhere after the show.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Sleepy Songs in Hong Kong

So it's 1:34 AM and I'd really like to go to bed, I would. However, the man who sleeps next to me in our extremely crowded hostel (essentially 6 bunk beds in a very short and narrow hallway) has begun to sing in his sleep. At first I thought he was still awake and just lightly humming himself to sleep. I soon realized however that no, he is not awake, he is in fact asleep and he is singing. It also seems to be getting gradually louder. Oh the characters one meets.