
shameless sinner. I love beautiful things, I see them everywhere. No Regrets. Just Ripening

Wednesday, February 27, 2008


I am not dead. I have not disappeared. I have just not written to all you folks. I have been too busy on exciting and wonderful adventures to write blogs. But due to popular demand I have returned once again.
Listen to me talk like anyone really reads this thing. I think 3 people asked what was going on and one person mentioned my blog, so I have decided that I will give it another shot.
Okay so the last month has been filled with ups and downs, highlights and nothingness, I have been filled with frustration and been beautifully encouraged. So pretty much the same deal as anyone else in this world.
So as I speak I am about to leave for my second to last day of work in the city of Southampton. It is my eighth week at my crappy kitchen job where I do next to nothing all day. It's actually quite painful not having things to do at work. I feel so unsatisfied when I leave. But it is almost over. And I have some stories thanks to it (re: my first e-mail). So that has dominated my past 2 months really.
Two weeks ago, however, Adam and I went on a little adventure to a place called Ireland. We took a coach bus from Southampton at 4 am into London, and wandered around there for the day. London is incredible really. I am fairly naive to the beauty of cities outside those in Canada and the northern States, but they really pale in comparison to London. At times I couldn't believe how at what seemed every corner I turned was a place more amazing and gorgeous than the last. It was a lot of fun to just spend a quick day jaunting around the city being serious tourist. Oh, and we got to have pizza hut buffet.
So that evening we took another coach to Stansted airport (which is entirely a mission, if you can avoid it, then do). We then flew into Belfast city airport ( the only airport smaller than Stansted) where we got picked up by big Mike Currie, and Douglas Hunt. We spent most of our time in Belfast for the weekend, which was amazing due to it's history that has left it's mark all over. We also made a jaunt up to the North Coast, one of the most beautiful places imaginable. The rest of the weekend was filled with birthday celebrations, whiskey distilleries, dancing, singing, watching a burning building .... burn, eating chips, professional rugby games, non-professional rugby games and most importantly drinking plenty of Guinness. It was wonderful.
Thanks to how cool Adam and I are, Doug Hunt is now coming to Southampton next weekend. Which is awfully exciting. We are actually going to be attending a prophetic conference at our church, community hall. It should be interesting.
Oh and Doug is defiantly cooler than I am.
Moving direction now.
So far my time in Southampton would be generalized by the word "frustrating". Pretty much since the moment I arrived here I have been in a spiritual battle, mostly fighting with myself to be honest. On my arrival I began to immediately find things in people and the church that I deemed to be "not right". I very quickly became almost angry, frustrated, and introverted. Long story short, and honestly if you care to hear the long story, ask, but I really realized is that while there may be thing wrong with people and churches and everything, but what was truly not right, was me. There was things in me, that God was poking and prodding at because I had ignored them, or was not aware of them. I had a hardened heart, a blind spot, a gaping hole that if I did not see it eventually, I would fall into it. Sorry for such a arbitrary spat of thought, but like I said, it's yours to investigate.
All aside my time here has been, well, moving. I am utterly thankful for ever second. And as it comes to a close, I think back on it and laugh. Funny how thing in one moment seem utterly earth shattering, and in the next are obsolete.
Thank you for all of you who have spoken great words of wisdom, love and grace into me in the past few weeks. you know who you are, but know that I am infinitely grateful for you.
I promise I will try and write more often. I hope that some of you will update me on your lives soon as well. I miss many of you.
All of his love.