
shameless sinner. I love beautiful things, I see them everywhere. No Regrets. Just Ripening

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Hello Friends.

I am going to keep this short, I do not have much time.
I hope all of you are well, I miss see all your faces regularly. As many of you know right now I am in Kolkata. It is one of the most amazing cities I have ever seen. It's hard for me to even explain it in words. I wish I could fly you all out here and walk with you. Then I wouldn't need words. This place explains itself.
The streets are littered. With people, garbage, stray dogs and cats, Little huts where people sell things, beggars hands, children running around, the hurting, the starving. It is littered. I feel at almost anytime I could reach out and touch 10 different people without moving.
Adam and I live in a small concrete room that barely fits the two of us. We have a bathroom, it you would like to call it that. It's more a hole in the ground.
It is incredibly hot and sticky here. Though I welcome the heat. In fact I love it.
It is an incredibly hectic place, so much going on all the time, so many people trying to show you what their selling, so many people everywhere.
But I love it here.
It absolutely stunning, everything about it.
In many ways it's so beautiful. There are so many colors. Textures. Movement. Character.
The children here are so loving. They just want to play with us sometimes. Today Adam and I walked by a huge bridge that is near the middle of Kolkata, and where invited to play cricket with a bunch of kids that where playing near the underside. They taught us how to play, and it was amazingly fun. We took pictures with them all, gave them some water and left. No words could be faithful to the experience we had with them. I hope I see them again.
We worked for mother teresas house yesterday. I will write more about that another time.
I thank God for bringing us here. I knew it would be crazy. I didn't know that I would fall in Love with it as fast as I have.
Thank you for all your prayers. Keep them coming. Please.
I pray that you all are of good health and that you realize God's blessings in the good moments, the mundane, the hectic, and the sad. He is great.


Anonymous said...

Mike... fantastic!! glad your having fun and at classic i will show you guys how to play some proper cricket!! thats amazing with the kids... i've never been but know a few people from india and they are all like that!! so friendly and say the kids just want to play all the time!! i pray that God truely blesses you guys for dtepping out in faith and trusting in his word!!

I look forward til the day on which
baptism brothers re-unite!!

peace man!!


Anonymous said...

hey man, sounds like you are having an amazing time, love you both...hopefully see you guys soon!

Unknown said...

mate...didnt know you had a blog!! sounds like your well...let me know about the dates for thailand...

Unknown said...

ps its dave

Anonymous said...

Hey Mike, it's great to hear you write so passionately about this place. You sound awestruck and I wish we could all witness what you are witnessing. Its good to hear... we miss you over here. Take care xxx

Unknown said...

Sounds like the place has captured your heart. God bless you as you continue on in your adventures.
Mrs. B